
(* Texas State undergraduate student; ** Texas State graduate student)

Shrestha, N.**, Deason, R. G., Cordaro, M., Howard, K., & Haskard-Zolnierek, K. (2023). Evaluating the impact of empathic concern on college students’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American College Health, 1–7.

Schmiedehaus, E. E., Snyder, E., Perrotte, J. K., Deason, R. G., Howard, K. J., Cordaro, M. M. (2023). The ongoing mental health plight of depressed college students: Clinical recommendation and the importance of early screening and detection. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 44(6), 562-570.

Grelle, K.**, Shrestha, N.**, Ximenes, M.*, Perrotte, J., Cordaro, M., Deason, R. G., & Howard, K. (2023). The generation gap revisited:  Generational differences in mental health, maladaptive coping behaviors, and pandemic-related concerns during the initial COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Adult Development, 30(4), 381-392.

Brunett, K., M.**, Kinstley, C., Perrotte, J., Howard, K., Deason, R. G., & Cordaro, M. (2023). Generalized Anxiety Disorder in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: The importance of screening and early detection during traumatic stressor events. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 1-15.

Stern, M.**, Finch, A.**, Haskard-Zolnierek, K. B., Howard, K. J., & Deason, R. G. (2023). Cognitive decline in mid-life: Changes in memory and cognition related to hypothyroidism. Journal of Health Psychology, 28(4), 388-401.

Oberle, C., Grelle, K.**, Vela, R.**, Jones, C.**, & Deason, R. G. (2022). Positive Effects of a Beta-Frequency Binaural Beats Program on Memory. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 34(8), 990-995.

Anderson, K. S.**, Howard, K. J., Haskard-Zolnierek, K. B., Pruin, J.*, & Deason, R. G., (2022). Using the Biopsychosocial Approach to Identify Factors Associated with Major Depressive Disorder for Individuals with Hypothyroidism. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 43(8), 755-765.

Clark, E., Daley, R. T., Deason, R. G., O’Connor, M. K., Budson, A. E., & DeCaro, R. E. (2022). Cue-utilization in the imagination inflation effect paradigm in older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychology, 36(4), 297-313.

Haskard-Zolnierek, K. B., Wilson, C.**, Pruin, J.*, Deason, R. G., & Howard, K. J. (2022). The relationship between brain fog and medication adherence for individuals with hypothyroidism. Clinical Nursing Research, 31(3), 445-452.

Howard, K., Grigsby, T. J., Haskard-Zolnierek, K., Deason, R. G., & Howard, J. T. (2021). Pandemic-related work status changes are associated with increases in substance use. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 36(3), 250-257.

Grigsby, T. J., Howard, J. T., Deason, R. G., Haskard-Zolnierek, K. B., & Howard, K. (2021). Correlates of COVID-19 pandemic-related increases in sleep aid and anti-anxiety medication use. Journal of Substance Use27(1), 56-61. DOI: 10.1080/14659891.2021.1892221.

Cordaro, M. M., Grigsby, T. J., Howard, J. T., Deason. R. G., Haskard-Zolnierek, K. B., & Howard, K. J. (2021). Pandemic-specific factors related to generalized anxiety disorder during the initial COVID-19 protocols in the United States. Issues in Mental Health Nursing42(8), 747-757. DOI: 10.1080/01612840.2020.1867675.

Westerberg, C. E., Wofford, N.*, Menssor, S.*, Reininger, B. P.**, & Deason, R. G. (2020). Face category influences post-encoding processes applied to face memories. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 32(7), 587-597.

Turk, K. T., Palumbo, R., Deason, R. G., El Shaar, A., Gosselin, E., O’Connor, M. K., Tripodis, Y., & Budson, A. E.  (2020).  False memories: The other side of forgetting. Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, 26, 545-556.

Deason, R. G., Strong, J. V., Tat, M. J., Simmons-Stern, N., & Budson, A. E. (2019).  Explicit and implicit memory for music in healthy older adults and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 41, 158-169.

Malone, C., Deason, R. G., Palumbo, R., Heyworth, N., Tat, M. J., & Budson, A. E. (2019). False memory in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease:  Can cognitive strategies help?  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 41, 204-218.

Turk, K. W., El-Shaar, A., Deason, R. G., Heyworth, N., Flannery, S., Frustace, B., Nagle, C., Zumwalt, A., & Budson, A. E. (2018).  Late positive component event-related potential amplitude predicts long-term classroom-based learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 1323-1329.

Deason, R. G., Nadkarni, N., Tat, M. J., Flannery, S., Frustace, B., Ally, B. A., & Budson, A. E. (2017).  Use of metacognitive strategies to decrease false memories in source monitoring in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Cortex, 91, 287-296.

Deason, R. G., Tat, M. J., Flannery, S., Mithal, P. S., Hussey, E. P., Crehan, E. T., Ally, B. A., & Budson, A. E. (2017).  Response bias and response monitoring:  Evidence from healthy older adults and patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease.  Brain and Cognition, 119, 17-24.

Tat, M. J., Soonsawat, A., Nagle, C. B., Deason, R. G., O’Connor, M. K., & Budson, A. E. (2016).  The influence of strategic encoding on false memory in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease dementia.  Brain and Cognition, 109, 50-58.

Rosa, N. M., Deason, R. G., Budson, A. E., & Gutchess, A. H. (2016). Source memory for self and other in patients with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Gerontology Psychological Sciences, 71, 59-65.

Deason, R. G., Hussey, E. P., Flannery, S., & Ally, B. A. (2015).  Using conceptual implicit memory to understand the picture superiority effect in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Brain & Cognition, 99, 112-117.

O’Connor, M. K., Deason, R. G., Reynolds, E. W., Flannery, S., Vassey, E., Soloman, P., & Budson, A. E. (2015). The imagination inflation effect in older adults with and without Alzheimer’s disease.  Neuropsychology, 29, 550-60.

Rosa, N. M., Deason, R. G., Budson, A. E., & Gutchess, A. H. (2015).  Self-referencing and false memory in mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease.  Neuropsychology, 29, 799805.

McMenamin, B. W., Deason, R. G., Steele, V. R., Koutstaal, W., & Marsolek, C. J. (2015).  Separability of abstract-category and specific exemplar visual object subsystems:  Evidence from fMRI pattern analysis.  Brain and Cognition, 93, 54-63.

Sun, X., Salat, D., Upchurch, K., Deason, R. G., Kowall, N., & Budson, A. E. (2014).  Destruction of white matter integrity in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.  Journal of Investigative Medicine, 62, 927-33.

Marsolek, C. J., DeYoung, C., Domansky, S. D., & Deason, R. G. (2013).  Hemispheric asymmetries in motivation neurally dissociate self-description processes. Emotion, 13, 462-467.

Deason, R. G., Simmons-Stern, N. R., Frustace, B. S., Ally, B. A., & Budson, A. E. (2012). Music as a memory enhancer: differences between healthy older adults and patients with Alzheimer’s disease.  Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 22, 175-179.

Simmons-Stern, N. R., Deason, R. G., Brandler, B. J., Frustace, B. S., O’Connor, M. K., Ally, B. A., Budson, A. E. (2012).  Music-based memory enhancement in Alzheimer’s disease:  Promise and limitations.  Neuropsychologia, 50, 3295-3303.

Deason, R. G., Hussey, E. P., Budson, A. E., & Ally, B. A. (2012). Gist-based conceptual processing of pictures remains intact in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychology, 26, 202-208.

Deason, R. G., Hussey, E. P., Ally, B. A., & Budson, A. E. (2012). Changes in response bias with different study-test delays: Evidence from young adults, older adults, and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychology, 26, 119-126.

Deason, R. G. & Marsolek, C. J. (2012). Neural Correlates of Repetition Priming:  An Examination of the Convergence of fMRI and ERP Effects.  In N. Hsu & Z. Schutt (eds.), Psychology of Priming. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Dodson, C. S., Spaniol, M., O’Connor, M. K., Deason, R. G., Ally, B. A., & Budson, A. E. (2011). Alzheimer’s disease and memory-monitoring impairment: Alzheimer’s patients show a monitoring deficit that is greater than their accuracy deficit. Neuropsychologia, 49, 2609-18.

Marsolek, C. J., Deason, R. G., Ketz, N. A., Ramanathan, P., Bernat, E. M., Steele, V. R., Patrick, C. J., Verfaellie, M., & Schnyer, D. M. (2010). Identifying objects impairs knowledge of other objects: a relearning explanation for the neural repetition effect. NeuroImage, 49, 1919-1932.

Marsolek, C. J., Schnyer, D. M., Deason, R. G., Ritchey, M, & Verfaellie, M. (2006).  Visual antipriming:  Evidence for ongoing adjustments of superimposed visual object representations. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 6, 163-174.

Marsolek, C. J. & Deason, R. G. (2007).  Hemispheric asymmetries in visual word-form processing:  Progress, conflict, and evaluating theories.  Brain and Language, 103, 304-307.

Deason, R. G., & Marsolek, C. J. (2005). A critical boundary to the left-hemisphere advantage in visual word processing. Brain and Language, 92, 251-261.

Deason, R. G., Andresen, D. R., & Marsolek, C. J. (2005). Causal relations between asymmetries at the individual level? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 596-597.